July 2019




Date Study Workout
07/01 Job Hunting /
07/02 Job Hunting /
07/03 Job Hunting /
07/04 Learn pyspark streaming /
07/05 Learn pyspark streaming /
07/06 (Travel in Portland~~) /
07/07 (Travel in Portland~~) Hiking
07/08 Finish udemy's course Apache Spark Streaming with Python and PySpark /
07/09 Write pyspark project code and blog; /
07/10 Write twitter pyspark streaming project /
07/11 Coffee chat and write email all day /
07/12 Work on new spotify project /
07/13 (///nothing~~) /
07/14 Coding for project; learn AWS DynamoDB, S3 Ping Pong
07/15 Work on project; learn Apache Airflow, review Linear Regression /
07/16 Write project report; learn Apache Airflow /
07/17 Write project report /
07/18 Learn Beautifulsoup, crawling and start new project /
07/19 Write crawling code Ping Pong
07/20 Crawling all day, deploy to EC2 /
07/21 Write feature extraction code; rewrite resume /
07/22 Revise resume /
07/23 Revise resume and review probability theory /
07/24 Sending applications all day /
07/25 Learn Kafka and Spark, start a new project (a full stack data engineering and analysis project with realtime data) Ping Pong
07/26 Meeting, Research on new project /
07/27 Learn Kafka, play with multiple realtime data API /
07/28 Learn Cassandra and CQL /
07/29 Study bokeh, write streaming visualization module /
07/30 Crawl yahoo finance for realtime data /
07/31 Study bokeh, write visualization module for project Ping Pong



Categories Content Progress
Project Realtime Twitter Data Analysis using Spark Streaming ■■■■■■■■■■
Project Data Analysis of K-POP: Playing with Spotify API ■■■■■■■■■■
Project Realtime financial market data visualization and analysis ■■■■■■□□□□
Project Crawling project ■■■■■■■■■■
Big Data Udemy: Apache Spark Streaming with Python and PySpark ■■■■■■■■■■



Some Spark Resources that I like to share~